The author seeks answers to a series of questions. Is care extended in Christian communities towards people with mental illness? Do Christians know what kind of support people with mental illnesses and their families need? Does Christian faith make a positive difference to how such people are treated? Are Christian ministers trained in this aspect of the ministry? The study sets the context for contemporary attitudes by an outline of the history of how mental illness has been understood by theologians, and also within Christian congregations. The research component was an attitude survey of 592 people from a sample target of three denominations, Angelicans, Roman Catholics and Evangelical/Pentecostals. The result demonstrated more supportive attitudes than are evident among the general public. At the same time, there were indications of a lack of knowledge, and the need for better education at every level. There is a real need to raise awareness, so that the negative aspects of mental health difficulties can be addressed, and the stigmatisation and discrimination prevalent in society can be challenged.