Come and see: Thoughts along the way

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Second hand paperback book in very good condition.
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    Delivering a well-prepared homily which engages the listener is a challenge for any priest. It is not so much about being a gifted orator or a persuasive speaker as offering thoughts and ideas derived from the readings of the day which are sincere and authentic to the person delivering the homily. That is why the best homilies are often spoken not simply read from a script. In this book Fr Gerald Creasey draws on his student days in ROme and his 48 years of priesthood, to compile his 'thoughts along the way', presenting a selection of homilies which will inspire and uplift. He offers them to the reader and his feloow homilists as an expression of the journey we make with the Church through one liturgical year. It is no easy task standing before a congregation week after week, trying to offer original words of instruction, reflection and encouragement. Yet as the Second Vatican Council noted, preaching a homily is one of the presences of Christ. It is therefore a task every priest must take seriously, giving thought and prayer to what he intends to say to his people each Sunday. Come and see is an excellent example of how to approach this task and will appeal to clergy and laity alike.