In one of his earlier works, Captive Flames, James McFaffrey, OCD explored the teaching of the Carmelite saints and viewed it in the light of the Scriptures, showing it to be rooted in the word of God. In this new book he takes a different though complementary approach, viewing biblical themes in the light of the Carmelite teachings.
In infinite Horizons, the author examines themes from Scripture relating to the spiritual life: prayer, including the example of Mary and the priestly prayer of Jesus; the mystery of human suffering; and prayer with the Holy Spirit. There is also a helpful introduction to lectio divina, with guidelines for practising it individually or in a group. All this is viewed @through Carmelite eyes': not just through those of the author, but primarily those of five major Carmelite saints - Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, Elizabeth of the Trinity and Edith Stein - whose lives and writings contain valuable insights which can enhance our understanding of Scripture.
This book helps us to engage with the Bible in a profound and meaningful way: to enter into the mystery of God, as revealed in his word, and to translate it into our lives, with the example of the Carmelite saints and under the action of the Holy Spirit. As the author writes "The Spirit breathes where it wills" - and led by the spirit, each of us travels a secret path to God.