Lift Up Your Hearts

From the famous B.B.C. Programme. Selected and edited by the Rev. Elsie Chamberlain. Second hand paperback 1960 edition, slightly damaged cover.
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    The famous B.B.C. feature has been broadcast every weekday since December 1939, and it is difficult to think of any comparable record. Recently, popular demand has forced a repeat of each programme to be broadcast the following day at 6.50am, and already the earlier version has an audiance of more than a million to swell the three million or so who listen an hour later. Every week some well-known person, clerical or lay, is invited to give a short talk each morning. The Rev. Elsie Chamberlain, who is responsible for the 'Lift Up Your Hearts' programme, has chosen and edited nineteen of the most outstanding series (114 talks in all) in the belief that the many thousands whose hearts have been uplifted by this beautiful programme will want a permanent reminder of it. Among the speakers are such well-known names as Hugh Redwood, the Rev. Kenneth Slack, C.A. Joyce, Canon Roy McKay, the Bishop of Coventry, the Rev.. John Williams and the Rev. John Huxtable.