Prayer Life in Carmel

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    Redemptus Maria Valabek, O. Carm, was born in Shelton, Conneticut, in 1934. He joined the Carmelite Order in 1948. he studied theology in Rome. He was ordained priest in 1960 and obtained his doctors degree in theology in 1965. He has remained in Rome since then, teaching and forming candidates to the priesthood. Since 1973 he heads the theology-spirituality section of the Carmelite Institute. Apostolic examiner of the Roman clergy, he lectures on liturgy and sacramental theology at several Roman universities. Lately he has been appointed Postulator General of the Causes of the Saints and Blesseds of the Carmelite Order. He has contributed various studies on Carmelite topics in Carmelus and is editor, since 1971, of the periodical Carmel in the world. 

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