Received Wisdom?

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Reviewing the role of tradition in Christian ethics. Second hand paperback book in good condition.
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    In the current debate about Christian ethics much use is made of the terms 'traditionalists' and 'revisionists'. One would naturally expect the traditionalists to attribute great importance to tradition and traditional teachings. Many revisionist too, however, claim to be faithful to tradition and say that they are merely building on traditional teachings. Most of us would probably agree that it is foolish to discard the wisdom of our forebears. In this book, however, through an examination of so-called 'traditional' teaching regarding sex, life and death issues, authority and the punishment of criminals, the author raises more than a few doubts about how much of what has been passed on to us in the field of Christian ethics is wisdom. It also becomes evident that certain claims about unchanging and unchangable teachings in the sexual and other spheres of ethics are, to say the least, questionable. If such is the case and if, indeed, more changes are needed, how precisely ought we to or can we build on inherited ethics?