The Final Report

Availability: 1 in stock
Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, Windsor, September 1981. Second hand paperback CTS book in good condition.
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    The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission has finished the work given to it by Archbishop Michael Ramsey and the late Pope Paul VI through the 1968 Lambeth Conference and the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. This Final Report is now offered to the Churches of the Anglican Communion and to the Roman Catholic Church for their serious consideration. In due course both Churches will have to decide whether the agreements contained in this Report are generally consonant with the faith of Anglicans and Roman Catholics and whether they provide a sufficient basis for the next steps towards unity. The process of convergence through which these agreements were archieved was the result of over a decade of vigorous questioning and answering in truth and love. Should the Report be generally accepted by both Churches, the way would be open for the beginning of their reconciliation and the next stage in a changed relationship.