This book is the supplement to the 11th edition of the principle book containing messages from 1973
The Marian Movement of Priests
On the 8th May 1972, Don Stefano Gobbi was taking part in a pilgrimage to Fatima and was praying in the little Chapel of the Apparitions for some priests who, as well as personally betraying their own vocation, were attempting to form themselves into associations in rebellion against the authority of the Church. An interior force drove him to have confidence in the love of Mary. Our Lady, making use of him as a humble and poor instrument, would gather together all those Priests who would accept the invitation to consecrate themselves to Her Immaculate Heart, to be powerfully united to the Pope and to the Church united to him, to bring the faithful into the sure refuge In this way, there would be formed a powerful army, spread through every part of the world and gathered together, not with human means of propaganda, but with the supernatural power which springs from silence, prayer, suffering and constant faithfulness to one's own duties. Don Stefano asked Our Lady Interiorly for a little sign to confirm this, which She gave to him punctually at Nazareth, in the Shrine of the Annunciation, before the end of that very month. The origin of the Marian Movement of Priests goes back to this simple and interior inspiration, which Don Stefano received in prayer in Fatima. But what, speaking concretely, had to be done then? In the October of that same year, a timid start was attempted, with a meeting of prayer and friendship between three Priests in the parish of Gera Lario (Como); the news of this Movement was given in some Catholic newspapers and magazines. In March 197 3, the Priest members numbered about forty. In September of the same year, at San Vittorino near Rome, the first national gathering took place, with twenty-five Priests present, out of the eighty who had already become members. From 1974, the first Cenacles of prayer and fraternity began with Priests and faithful; they progressively spread into Europe and every part of the world. Up to the end of 1985, Don Stefano Gobbi has visited the five continents several times, in order to preside over the Regional Cenacles, involving at least 350 aeroplane flights and many journeys by car and train, and he has conducted 890 Cenacles, of which 482 were in Europe, 180 in America, 97 in Africa, 51 in Asia and 80 In Oceania. This constitutes a proof of how the Movement, in these years, has spread everywhere in a wonderful way.
It is declared that the messages contained in this book must be understood, not as words spoken directly by Our Lady, but received, under the form of interior locutions, by Don Stefano Gobbi. Their publication is in conformity with the dispositions made by Pope Paul IV in the 14th October 1966.