Who is Saint Joseph?

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Whenever Cardinal Vaughan met problems or worries, he turned first to Saint Joseph. Here he tells us why, and how to do the same.
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    Herbert Vaughan had a profound and long-standing devotion to St Joseph. When he was Bishop of Salford (1872-1892), he compiled this booklet from the prayers and meditations he found most helpful. He placed all his most important projects under St Joseph’s patronage: the missionary congregation he founded, the Mill Hill missionaries, are officially St Joseph’s Missionary Society, whilst their American offshoot (the Society of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart) are universally known as the Josephites. St Joseph’s intercession was instrumental in securing their original headquarters, St Joseph’s College in Mill Hill. Herbert Vaughan was convinced of the power of St Joseph’s patronage, and the constant testimony of the Church supports him. St Joseph is the especial patron of the dying, and of those looking for somewhere to live; he is also patron of work, and of Christian husbands and fathers. He who was a loving father to Jesus will not ignore those who turn to him now.