With sharpness and enthusiasm Bishop John Robinson here sums up what he sees happening in the religious revolution of our time. In 1963, when he was Bishop of Woolwich, he caused a world-wide stir by his Honest to God, but that protest against Christianity's tired images and conventions was mainly negative. He wrote books which were more positive, but as a busy bishop lacked time to unify his teaching. Now he has returned to Cambridge University as Dean of Trinity College Chapel, and in this book - the first since his return - he has achieved an exciting survey of the way, truth and life now opening up. No institution and no tradition can escape 'the end of the stable state', Dr Robinson argues; Christianity must change. And no Christain can contract out of humanity; Christians are human, no less and no more. But today's Christianity is finding a new freedom to show what being human means, and a vision is possible of tomorrow's layman and tomorrow's priest.