Profiles in Holiness I

Availability: 11 in stock
Various saints
  • subtitles Product description
    1. Carmel in France decimated - The Martyrdom of BL. Jacques Retouret, Carmelite
    2. Carmelites at the Guillotine - The Martyrdom of Fr. Martinien Pannetier, O. Carm, Agnes Bernard, T.O Carm and Therese Thiac
    3. Greater love than this - Hilary Januszewski, O. Carm
    4. A Tertiary Worker - Liberata Ferrarons
    5. Carmel s Sacrifice in the Spanish Civil War: Catalonia The Martyrdom of Father Angel Prat and fifteen carmelite confreres.
    6. Carmel s Sacrifice in the Spanish Civil War: Cloistered Carmel The life and Martyrdom of Sr. Maria Badia of the Patronage of St Joseph
    7. Contemplative in action The life and mission of Ven Angelo Paoli, Carmelite
    8. The unfortgettable Lay Carmelite: The Christian and Carmelite Witness of Mariangela Virgili, T. o . Carm
    9. A people s Hermit Ven Brother Jerome Terzo, O.Carm
    10. The Smile of a seventeen-year-old in Moravia, Annie Zelikova, Carmelite Teritary
    11. In the midst of the poorest of the poor, The servant of God MotherCandelaria of St Joseph O.carm
    12. Holiness is ordinary, Maria Carolina Scampone
    13. Courage and March on! Madre Elisea Maria Oliver, O. Carm
    14. Mother to the aged and Infirm Mother M Angeline Teresa 
    15. Wife, mother, mystic: The venerable Carmen De Sojo
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